Membrane Proteins: Structure and Function
This course will discuss the structure and function of membrane proteins with an emphasis on relevant methodologies. Selected transporters, channels, pumps and G-protein-coupled-receptors (GPCRs) will be used as examples to illustrate the current state of the art of membrane protein biochemistry. Molecular aspects of disease processes linked to membrane proteins will be discussed, with an emphasis on how 3D structural information provides a basis for understanding function.

General principles of membrane protein structure will be discussed.
Course Next Offered
September 2019
Course Time and Location
Fall Term (Sept. - Dec.)
Tuesday, Thursday 11am - 12 noon
Room 4279 Medical Sciences Building
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 80
Method of Student Evaluation
2 Assignments (total 30%)
3 Quizzes (10%)
1 Midterm (30%)
Final exam (40%)
Recommended Reading
We will be discussing current state of the art, and readings will be assigned from the current scientific literature.
Lecture notes will be provided in class and/or through Quercus.
Membrane Structural Biology 2nd Edition by Mary Luckey, Cambridge University Press (2014). (not required).