Laboratory Course in Biochemical Techniques


BCH370H is offered as a single term half course which can be taken in either the Fall (BCH370H1F) or Winter (BCH370H1S) terms. Each section is open to students in eligible disciplines. Students are required to attend and participate in the lab each week, on Mondays starting at 9 am and running until 1 pm.

This course is designed to provide hands-on experience at an introductory level, employing a variety of biochemical techniques commonly used in research and clinical diagnostic laboratories.  This course is intended for students who are not proceeding further in biochemistry.

BCH370H1F 2021: Labs begin Monday, September 13th, 2021.

Registered students: Please login to Quercus for room numbers and TA assignments.

Attendance at the first class is MANDATORY.

Course Next Offered

September 2021

Course Time and Location

Mondays 9 am - 1 pm



Enrollment Limit

Yes —

Fall 40
Winter 40



Method of Student Evaluation

Students will be evaluated on lab performance, lab notetaking, post-lab assessments, quizzes, participation, presentations, and a final exam.

Recommended Reading

All course materials including the laboratory manual will be provided online.  There is no required textbook for this course.



Last Updated 7 September 2021