MaRS2 site – MaRS Center, West Tower, 661 University Ave.


Room No.

PI in Charge

Contact Person

Beckman TL-100 Ultracentrifuge 1571 Barbara Funnell
Beckman Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuge 1571
Beckman Optima XL-1 Analytical Ultra 1643 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Ultracentrifuge 1643 Karen Maxwell Diane Bona
Beckman Avanti 1560Z_1560AA Cordula Enenkel
Beckman JS-21 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Sorvall RC-5C plus 1560Z_1560AA Haley Wyatt
Eppendorf Centrifuge 5804 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Innova 4430 Refrigerated 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Innova 4400 Non-Refrigerated 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Innova 4330/4300 1571
New Brunswick Scientific 1655 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Shaking incubator 1550-R Michael Ohh Betty Poon
Excella E24R Refrigerated – insect only 1563 Haley Wyatt
Excella E24R Refrigerated – vari-temp 1563 Haley Wyatt
Innova 44R Refrigerated- insect only 1563 Haley Wyatt
Innova 44R Refrigerated- vari-temp 1563 Haley Wyatt
Incubator/shaker 37oC 16xx Jun Liu Ming Li
Incubator/shaker 30oC 16xx Jun Liu Ming Li
Typhoon FLA 9500 Phosphoimager 1570
Biorad Versadoc Imager 1550-R Cordula Enenkel
BioRad GelDoc 1550-R Karim Mekhail Janet Chan
BioRad GelDoc Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
BioRad ChemiDoc 16xx Karen Maxwell Diane Bona
LiCor Odyssey CLx Near-infrared Imager 1550-K Haley Wyatt
PCR Thermocyclers
Bio-Rad 384 real time PCR 1571 Howard Lipshitz
qPCR 1560-S Karim Mekhail Janet Chan
PCR thermocycler 1560-S Michael Ohh Betty Poon
BioRad C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler 1550-K Haley Wyattt
Cell disruption – solubilization
Fisher 300 Sonicator (bacteria) 1666 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
C3 Emulsiflex homogenizer 1560-U Cordula Enenkel
Branson Sonifer 450 sonicator 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Sonicator 1651 cold room Karim Mekhail Janet Chan
Branson Sonifer 450 1550-K Haley Wyatt
Thermo Spectronic French Press 1655 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Rotavap 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Genevac 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Lyophilizer 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
SpeedVac 1655 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Eppendorf Vacufuge plus 1550-K Haley Wyatt
pH Meters – Balances
Sartorius Entris – Analytical balance 1550-J Haley Wyatt
Sartorius Entris – Top-loading balance 1550-J Haley Wyatt
Mettler-Toledo S220 pH meter 1550-J Haley Wyatt
Various balances 1550-R Karim Mekhail Janet Chan
Spectrophotometers/plate readers
Nanodrop 1550-R Karim Mekhail Janet Chan
Thermofisher +Laptop Nanodrop2000C 16-Aisle R Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Perkin Elmer Enspire 2300 Platereader 1670 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Synergy plate reader 16-Aisle R Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Gel drying, film processor, scintillation counter, HPLC/FLASH, plate pourer
Bio-Rad Gel Drier 1564 (Rad. Rm.) Haley Wyatt
Fisher Vacuum System for Gel Drying 1564 (Rad. Rm.) Haley Wyatt
X-ray film processor 1565 Lori Frappier
Perkin Elmer Liquid Scintillation Counter 1565
HPLC 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Reveleris X2 FLASH Chromatography 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Plate pourer 16xx Karen Maxwell Diane Bona
Biophysical and Molecular Interaction Instrumentation
JASCO J-810 CD Spectrometer 1643 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Microcal VP DSC (Differential Scan. Calorimeter) 1654 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Microcal VP ITC (Isothermal Scan. Calorimeter) 1654 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Jovin Horiba Fluorolog Fluorometer 1643 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Varian Cary 300 BIO UV/VIS Scan. Spec. 1643 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Bruker Microflex LT MALDI-TOF MS 1654 Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Waters Acquity UPLC/Xevo G2-S QTof LC/MS 1653 Justin Nodwell Sheila Elardo
Wyatt (SEC-MALS) Size exclusion-Light scattering 1670 fridge Walid Houry Elisa Leung
Malvern (SEC-MALS) 1654 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
ForteBio BioLayer Interferometer 1654 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Nanotemper NT.115 Microscale Thermophoresis 1654 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Biacore X-100 Surface Plasmon Resonance 1654 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Protein Crystallization
Art Robbins Crystal Gryphon LCP Dropsetter 1645 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Art Robbins LCP mixer and dispenser 1645 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai
Formulatrix RockImager 182 Crystall’n imager 1645 Trevor Moraes Megha Shah/Christine Lai

Medical Sciences Building Site


Room No.

PI in Charge

Contact Person

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Bruker E500 EPR Spectrometer 5252 Oliver Ernst Ned Van Eps
Bruker E800 EPR Spectrometer 1204 Oliver Ernst Ned Van Eps
Patch-clamp and Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp 5252/1204 Oliver Ernst
Sutter pipette puller 5252/1204 Oliver Ernst
Microforge pipette cutter 5252/1204 Oliver Ernst
Planar Lipid Bilayer workstation 5252/1204 Oliver Ernst
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
500 MHz Varian Inova Room temp probe NMR Suite 1st Fl. Lewis Kay
600 MHz Varian Inova Cryo probe NMR Suite 1st Fl. Lewis Kay
600 MHz Agilent DD2 Room temp probe NMR Suite 1st Fl. Lewis Kay
600 MHz Bruker Avance III, cryo probe NMR Suite 1st Fl. Lewis Kay
800 MHz Bruker Avance III, cryo probe Lewis Kay
500 MHz Varian Inova Solids NMR Suite 1st Fl. Simon Sharpe
600 MHz Bruker Avance II, room temp probe NMR Suite 1st Fl. Simon Sharpe
700 MHz Bruker Avance III, Dual solids/liquids NMR Suite 1st Fl. Simon Sharpe