
A big Biochemistry welcome to this year’s 2nd year class of Specialists!

26 October 2018|

The Department of Biochemistry is pleased to welcome our incoming class of 2nd year Biochemistry Specialists.  The Biochemistry Specialist program is open to a small cohort of exceptional students who wish to pursue a career in research.  This year’s class has already begun their laboratory training in BCH242Y, applying their theoretical knowledge, while honing their skills in fundamental laboratory techniques.

Biochemistry Undergraduate Teaching Retreat

27 June 2018|

On June 5, 2018 faculty met in the Division of Teaching Labs new Active Collaboration Rooms to discuss active learning strategies, the biochemistry undergraduate programs and curriculum reform.  The retreat generated many great discussions around teaching, with faculty sharing their experiences and working together on the vision for undergraduate education.

Enhancing Learning of Glucose Metabolism Through Animated and Interactive Media

4 May 2018|

Stavroula Andreopoulos, Derek Ng and Sian Patterson are awarded a 2018-2020 Elevation Grant from the Advancing Teaching and Learning in Arts & Science (ATLAS) initiatives fund. The proposal “Enhancing Learning of Glucose Metabolism Through Animated and Interactive Media” builds on the previously ATLAS funded pilot project “Visual and Interactive Media for Deeper Molecular Understanding of Enzyme Kinetics” and will help further develop a long-term mutually beneficial collaboration […]

Welcome 2nd year Biochemistry Specialists!

28 October 2016|

The academic school year is off to a great start and the Department of Biochemistry is pleased to welcome our incoming class of Biochemistry Specialists.  The Biochemistry Specialist program is open to a small group of high caliber students who wish to pursue a career in research. This year’s cohort, see here in with Dr. Sian Patterson, 2nd from the left, has begun their laboratory training in BCH242Y, […]

Dr. Sian Patterson receiving teaching award

Sian Patterson wins 2015 Faculty of Medicine Teaching Award!

10 March 2015|

Congratulations to Dr. Sian Patterson on winning the Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Life Sciences Award 2015.

The award recognises Sian’s sustained excellence in teaching, coordination and development of undergraduate courses in Arts and Science offered by the Basic Sciences Departments. Student testimonials describe Sian’s mastery of Biochemistry and her exceptional capacity to engage and foster enthusiasm for learning.

The award will be presented at the annual Education Achievement Celebration on […]