Nana Lee

How to use extracurricular activities to advance your career

23 February 2022|

U of T news! – How to use extracurricular activities to advance your career

Nana Lee of Biochemistry writes that the optimal way to find the right endeavour is to identify something that resonates with you.

A topic that repeatedly arises from my meetings with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows about their professional development is that of extracurricular activities. Those students and fellows regularly ask me, “Do […]

An image of networking.

Strategic Networking for Graduate Students

19 April 2016|

Dr. Nana Lee’s article on networking was just published yesterday in University Affairs.

For those who have taken her course, hope this refreshes your notes. For future students, enjoy the strategies in advance.

Dr. Greg Block

GPD Hosts Special Seminar with Alum Dr. Gregory Block

17 August 2015|

On July 27, 2015, Biochemistry alum Dr. Gregory Block spoke about “Carving a path to cure FSH Muscular Dystrophy: from molecular mechanisms to patients” which included: 1) complex molecular genetics of FSHD,  2) active role that disease-specific non-profits are playing in the development of treatments for rare diseases and 3) transition from academia to scientific development in the non-profit and for-profit sectors. His scientific narrative of FSHD was followed by a candid, entertaining […]

Richard Kim and Nana Lee, July 9 2015

GPD Hosts Special Seminar with Biochemistry Alum Dr. Richard Kim

17 July 2015|

After his Biochemistry PhD at the University of Toronto, Dr. Richard Kim accrued his industry scientific experience at NCI, Wyeth, Novartis and TTP LabTech. On July 9, 2015, he entertained close to 60 graduate students and PDFs during his GPD talk on his career pathway as Pharma Scientist and Sales Manager. His discussion highlighted the general overview on pharmaceutical research and development, effective networking in […]

Graduate Professional Development Illustration

Graduate Professional Development mentioned in the National Post!

3 June 2015|

Preparing graduate students to be market-ready through Biochemistry’s own GPD is mentioned in today’s National Post.

BCH2024H GPD classes will be offered once again in the Fall and Winter of 2015-2016. Class size is limited so register early.

Participants at Janssen Visit May 19, 2015

Janssen Inc. Hosts GPD Students and PDFs

28 May 2015|

On May 19, 2015, twenty-two of former and current GPD (Graduate Professional Development) students experienced a site visit to Janssen Inc., a pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson. The attendees learned about career options for Medical Information, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Science Liaison, Market Access and enjoyed a networking session with Janssen’s science and HR staff. The site visit is one of the many activities made possible by the Janssen-GPD partnership between […]

Dr. Nana Lee

Professional Development Workshop for Postdoctoral Fellows and PhDs – May 8, 15, 19, 2015.

7 April 2015|

Dr. Nana Lee brings her second annual summer workshop for PDFs and senior PhDs.

Topics to cover are: Success in Academia, Success outside of Academia, Effective Networking, Elevator Pitch, How to Create your Career Pathway, Writing a Stellar Resume and Cover Letter, Preparing for the Interview/Negotiation. Networking Sessions with Professionals from Academia, Sanofi, OGI, Baycrest, St Michael’s, Janssen Regulatory Affairs, Patent Law.

Sessions are interactive and outside work will be required.

Space is […]