
Lewis Kay received an honorary degree from UBC, Okanagan!

12 July 2019|

Professor Lewis Kay was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from UBC, Okanagan campus, for his “pioneering research in biochemistry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy” at the 2019 Spring Convocation. Congratulations!

Click here to read the full announcement

Lewis Kay: “We must continue to nurture the next generation of scientists”

23 May 2018|

In a recent article in the Globe and Mail, Dr. Lewis Kay discusses why it is important to continue to nurture the next generation of scientists.

Click here to read the full article.

Lewis Kay wins the 2018 Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal!

2 May 2018|

Congratulations to Professor Lewis Kay for receiving the Gerhard Herzberg Gold Medal!

The full story is featured on UofT New, the Globe and Mail, and the CBC News.

Dr. Lewis Kay named a 2017 Canada Gairdner International Award Laureate!

30 March 2017|

Congratulatory message from the Chair

On behalf of the entire Biochemistry Department I would like to congratulate our esteemed colleague Dr. Lewis Kay on winning the Gairdner International Award, Canada’s highest science prize. Kay’s work on the development and use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques for investigating molecular motion and short lived conformations in large multiprotein complexes, or ‘seeing the unseeable’ to use the vernacular, has pushed boundaries […]

An image of models for two conformations of the AAA+ chaperone VAT, built into cryo-EM density maps.

Protein unfolding machinery visualized

9 August 2016|

Using a combined cryo-EM and solution NMR approach the laboratories of John Rubinstein and Lewis Kay have determined the structure and equilibrium distribution of two unique conformers along the ATP hydrolysis cycle of the AAA+ unfoldase VAT. The paper published in PNAS (http://www.pnas.org/content/113/29/E4190.abstract) lends insight into how this class of molecular machines are able to convert the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into the mechanical force required […]

New CIFR Research Programs

New CIFAR research program co-directed by Oliver P. Ernst and R.J. Dwayne Miller

7 July 2015|

A new CIFAR Research Program co-directed by Oliver P. Ernst and R.J. Dwayne Miller advertised in The Globe and Mail on June 24, 2015.

The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research launched four new research programs. Two Biochemistry faculty, Lewis E. Kay and Oliver P. Ernst, as well as R.J. Dwayne Miller from the Departments of Chemistry and Physics are members of the program […]

Dr. Lewis Kay

Special Issue of the Journal of Biomolecular NMR on the Occasion of Lewis Kay’s 50th Birthday

9 December 2011|

In the Editorial introducing this special issue , Kevin Gardner, Anthony Mittermeier and Frans Mulder note that Lewis is being honoured for his “innovative contributions to biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, as well as for his role as inspirer for a large group of young research professionals.”

They further comment that “Lewis has consistently been a pioneer in the development of novel methods essential to increasing the size […]

Dr. Lewis Kay

Lewis Kay elected to the Royal Society

25 May 2010|

We were delighted to learn that Lewis Kay has been elected to the Royal Society (UK) for his work on NMR spectroscopy. He and his group have developed many of the recent technical advances that have pushed the size limit of protein complexes that can be examined by NMR spectroscopy beyond 500 kDa. For example, methyl-TROSY was used to elucidate the structure and aspects of the dynamics of the 670 […]