
Dr. Sergio Grinstein wins the 2017 Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award!

1 March 2017|

Dr. Sergio Grinstein was selected by the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences as this year’s recipient of the  Canadian Science Publishing Senior Investigator Award. He will present his award talk at the upcoming meeting of the CSMB in Ottawa in May of this year.

An image of macrophage

New advances in phagocytosis by the Grinstein lab published in Nature Communications

6 January 2016|

Sergio Grinstein’s lab studies phagocytosis –the mechanism responsible for the clearance of pathogens, dead cells and macromolecular debris. The formation of the phagosome and its internalization requires tightly coordinated, localized actin assembly and disassembly. While mechanisms of actin assembly to drive advancing pseudopodia are well studied, the mechanism of actin disassembly was unknown. Screening a library of RhoGAP fluorescent fusion proteins, the Grinstein lab found 3 RhoGAPs that were […]

CIHR Foundation Grants Awarded to Four Faculty Members

15 July 2015|