Dr. Peter Kim

When Three is not a Crowd: A formation of a Tri-Organelle contact mediate mitochondria morphology

12 October 2021|

Mitochondria are essential organelles regulating a myriad of cellular processes ranging from cell death to various signaling pathways. Vital to mitochondrial functions is their ability to modulate their shape via two opposing processes: fusion and fission. Fission, characterized by the division of one mitochondrion in two daughter mitochondria, is a complex process involving the participation of multiple organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and lysosomes. In this manuscript, research […]


Study indicates malnutrition in children may lead to severe impairments in liver function

7 September 2016|

A group led by Peter Kim and Robert Bandsma (Paediatrics) made a breakthrough published in Journal of Cell Biology and in the Journal of Hepatology in linking peroxisome function through the gene PEX2 and the cell’s response to starvation.

Malnourished children living in the same household who are given the same food to eat sometimes have stark differences in health, leading researchers to query why some severely malnourished […]