Dr. Alex Palazzo

Alex Palazzo wins award for excellence in graduate teaching

2 February 2020|

Alex Palazzo was awarded a 2019-2020 Faculty of Medicine Graduate Teaching Award for Mid-Career Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentorship.

Professor Palazzo was one of two recipients honoured with the faculty teaching award in this category, to recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions to graduate education.  Candidates are nominated by their Graduate Unit through a student (or recent graduate) – initiated process and the awards are adjudicated by the Faculty […]

Single molecule imaging of mRNAs by the Palazzo Lab provides new insight into Protein Synthesis in mammalian cells

3 January 2018|

The Palazzo lab, in collaboration with Jeff Chao’s lab at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Basel Switzerland, has resolved a long standing puzzle in how cells use mRNAs to synthesize proteins as detailed in a paper published in the most recent issue of Cell Reports (Single-Molecule Quantification of Translation-Dependent Association of mRNAs with the Endoplasmic Reticulum, Cell Reports 2017, 21: 3740–3753).

Proteins can be divided […]