Biochemistry Golf Day is back!

30 June 2023|Comments Off on Biochemistry Golf Day is back!

…and so are we!!!

After a 3 year Covid-induced hiatus, Biochemists were delighted to get out on the links once more for our annual Golf Day. Yes, it was rainy but nothing could dampen the spirits of the 27 students, admins, and Faculty who came out to the beautiful 9-hole Flemingdon Park  Golf Course in mid-town […]

Dr. Nana Lee’s Global Outreach Continues

1 March 2021|Comments Off on Dr. Nana Lee’s Global Outreach Continues

Dr. Nana Lee continues to highlight her expertise on graduate professional development, mentorship, leadership, and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at multiple speaking engagements in 2021. She brings her enthusiasm, charisma and innovative multiple, interactive tools through the virtual learning space to provide an inclusive, engaged audience.

Some of her speaking events the past two months […]

Science Stand-Up Comedy Night Online

14 October 2020|Comments Off on Science Stand-Up Comedy Night Online

On Thursday October 22th Transcripts, in collaboration with Dnatured and the Biochem Department, is hosting an online Science Stand-Up Comedy Night. See the poster for details.

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Biochemistry Department Retreat 2019

7 September 2019|Comments Off on Biochemistry Department Retreat 2019

The 2019 Biochemistry Retreat was a huge success. Members of the department spent September 4th to the 6th up at Geneva Park where they heard talks from students, postdocs, faculty and invited speakers. In the midst of all this, department members partook in a scavenger hunt, fireside singing and other group activities. the department also […]

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BanjoGoBoom! Goes Live

6 March 2019|Comments Off on BanjoGoBoom! Goes Live

By Reinhart Reithmeier

John Glover’s acoustic band, BanjoGoBoom!, is on a live Ontario tour in advance of their first CD release of all-original tunes. BGB consists of Kate Murphy (banjo), Bob Birnie, (mandolin), Neil Affleck  (harmonica), Dave Harvey (stand-up bass) and John Glover (guitar).  I caught them at the Free Times Café on Sunday night and they […]