MMG 1313H
Membrane Proteomics in Biomedical Research
This course will cover the fundamentals of membrane proteomics from a structural, biochemical and genetic standpoint. Among these will be cryo-EM, crystallography, NMR, and EPR methods as well as mammalian membrane two-hybrid screening and mass-spectrometry based methods. A number of in vivo approaches to the discovery of drugs that modulate biological systems will also be covered. Finally, the techniques used for the development of antibodies against membrane proteins with therapeutic potential will be introduced.
The course will be completed in a total of 12 hours in two-hour blocks, and will run over two weeks. In-class sessions will include lectures by professors and presentations by students on current literature. Classes will involve discussion of research papers.
Course Next Offered
Fall 2022
Course Time and Location
Start Date: November 14, 2022
End Date: November 25, 2022
Time: 1-3 pm Mondays, Fridays 1:30-3:30 pm Wednesdays
Day(s) of the Week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Course Location:
Building: Donnelly Centre, CCBR
Room: Red seminar room
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 24
12 spaces reserved for Biochemistry Students
12 spaces reserved for Molecular Genetics Students
Method of Student Evaluation
Student presentation 50%
Assignment 25%
Participation in class 25%