Structure and Dynamics of Biomacromolecules (Previously- Structure and dynamics of biomacromolecules using solid state NMR spectroscopy
BCH2125 – Focused Topics In Biochemistry
Solid state NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for addressing many questions at the cutting edge of structural biology, allowing elucidation of structure and dynamics for macromolecular assemblies that are often inaccessible to other structural tools. These include, but are not limited to, membrane proteins in lipid membranes, amyloid fibrils, extracellular matrix proteins, and viral capsids.
This course will provide a primer for the practical aspects of acquisition and analysis of solid state NMR data of biological systems, through a combination of in-class lectures and hands-on experiments. The fundamental theory underlying the technique will also be discussed.
Grades will be based on participation, completion of a take-home assignment (processing and interpretation of NMR data acquired in class), and presentation of a journal article (list to be provided).
Course Next Offered
Winter 2025
Course Time and Location
March/April 2025
Start Date: TBA
End Date: TBA
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 10
Method of Student Evaluation
Attendance/participation – 20%
Presentation – 40%
NMR data analysis - 40%

Simon Sharpe
Peter Gilgan Center for Research and Learning
686 Bay St., Room 20.9714