Frontiers in Drug Discovery
The discovery of a new medicine typically takes over a decade and costs more than $1 billion. This course will provide an overview of the key steps involved in drug discovery and give an appreciation for the challenges that arise along the way. Topics include: (1) small molecules vs biologics; (2) target-based vs. phenotypic screening; (3) considerations for performing a high throughput screen (i.e., assay development; chemical library selection; natural products vs. drug-like compounds, etc); (4) approaches to triaging hits from a screen to identify leads; (5) strategies to optimize the structure of leads to increase potency and selectivity for in vivo studies (i.e., medicinal chemistry, structure-based drug design), and (6) what roles AI may play along the drug discovery continuum in the future.
Course Next Offered
Fall 2024
Course Time and Location
Start Date: Oct 14th
End Date: Nov 25th
Time: 2-4pm
Day(s) of the Week: Monday (no class October 28th)
Course Location:
Building: SickKids Patient Support Centre (PSC) 15-14-001 Collaboration Room
Room: 15-14-001 Collaboration Room
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 12
Method of Student Evaluation
20%: In-class participation
40%: Oral presentation of a journal article
40%: Written assignment – design drug discovery project based on your own research (5 pages)
Roman A. Melnyk
416-813-7654 ext. 328557