The Use of High Content Screening in Biomolecular Medicine
BCH 2122H
The course will be taught at Sunnybrook Research Institute over three days and includes an additional assignment. Students will learn how to design cell-based screen assays using fluorescent cell markers/gene targets, perform a screen and acquire data using a robotic-enabled high content microscope. Material to be covered includes the philosophy and design of high content screens and the use of automated image analysis algorithms to analyze high content data sets.
Enrolled students will need to download the following and have it working on their own computer before class begins
and instructions on use available on that site in a popdown menu also linked here:
Drop date: Students are not permitted to drop a 0.25 credit course if more than one class has been completed without approval of the course coordinator.
Course Next Offered
Fall 2024
Course Time and Location
Classes held: Sunnybrook Hospital, M Wing, 7th Floor
Class #1. 1 hour for SRI screening lab tour and "data drop” to student laptops - monday, sept 16th, 1-2 pm
Class #2. 2 hr david and rob lectures class - monday, sept 23rd, 1-3 pm
Class #3. 1.5 hr for preliminary presentation and feedback - monday, october 28th 4th, 1-2:30 pm
Class #4. 2 hr for final presentation (depending on enrolment) - monday, december 2nd, 1-3 pm
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 8
Method of Student Evaluation
Participation 50%
Final data presentation 50%

Robert Screaton
Sunnybrook Research Institute
2075 Bayview Avenue, Room M7 617
416-480-6100 X 5743

David W. Andrews
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
2075 Bayview Ave., Room M7 621
416-480-6100, ext. 5120