Eukaryotic Signaling

BCH 2110H

Each lecture date is split into two halves. In the first hour, an invited PI will give a one hour lecture on a specific topic of eukaryotic signaling. This will be followed by student presentations in the second hour.

Signaling Topics presented (2023)

Michael Moran           Receptor tyrosine kinase signaling and Proteomics
Daniela Rotin              Ubiquitin signaling
Sean Egan                   Notch Signaling
Jeff Wrana                  TGFb signaling
Stephane Anger          WNT signaling
Frank Sicheri               Protein kinase structure and function

Non-Biochemistry Students:  This courses will be available to all non-Biochemsitry students to request through ACORN as follows:
Winter 2023 modules: December 1, 2022 – January 23, 2023 (last day to add Winter courses)

**Important note for non-Biochemistry students – if you have one unpaired BCH2024 course, then you must contact to sign up for the second 1/4 module as per the deadlines listed above.  Do not enroll through ACORN as your grades must be recorded under BCH 2024H Y – Focused Topic in Biochemistry.

Course Next Offered

Winter 2023

Course Time and Location

Start date: March 20
End date: March 31

Day(s) of the week: Mon / Wed / Fri
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Monday's - WB Room 119
Wallberg Building, 184-200 College Street
Monday March 20
Monday March 27

Wednesday's- MY Room 317
Myhal Centre MCEIE, 55 St George Street
Wednesday March 22
Wednesday March 29

Friday's - SS Room 1084
Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St. George Street
March 24
Friday March 31

Enrollment Limit

Yes — 30

15 spaces reserved for BCH students
15 spaces reserved for Mol Gen.student

Method of Student Evaluation

60% for a written critique of a published paper chosen by the course coordinators.
30% for an oral presentation performed in teams of two students
(15 minute presentation + 5 minute question period)
10% participation and attendance
(If you miss a lecture you lose the 10 %)


Daniela Rotin

Daniela Rotin

PGCRL, 19-9715,
686 Bay Street

Frank Sicheri

Frank Sicheri

Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Avenue, Room 1090
416 586-8471


Michael Morgan

Sean Egan

Jeff Wrana

Last Updated 19 March 2023