Introduction to Biomolecular Simulations
BCH 2107H
Over the past four decades, computer simulations have become a useful tool for the study of of biomolecular systems in a broad range of topics, including protein folding and binding equilibria and the study of enzymes, ion channels, and disordered proteins. By connecting the structure and the energy of atoms and molecules, simulations mimic the dynamics of molecular systems across a broad range of time scales over which many interesting biomolecular events occur. As such, these molecular cartoons provide information that is difficult to access experimentally with full atomistic detail.
This course is designed as a workshop with short introductory lectures and hands-on applications. The students will set up, conduct, and analyse molecular dynamics simulations on a small globular protein. Because each student will run a different simulation, they will get different results, the ensemble of which will be discussed and critically appraised by the whole class. At the end of this course, the students will have the skills to perform simulations on a protein or other biomolecular system of their choice and to read papers in the field critically.
Non-Biochemistry Students: This courses will be available to all non-Biochemsitry students to request through ACORN as follows:
Fall 2022 modules: September 1, 2022 – September 26, 2022(last day to add Fall courses)
**Important note for non-Biochemistry students – if you have one unpaired BCH2024 course, then you must contact to sign up for the second 1/4 module as per the deadlines listed above. Do not enroll through ACORN as your grades must be recorded under BCH 2024H Y – Focused Topic in Biochemistry.
Course Next Offered
Fall 2022
Course Time and Location
Start Date: Nov 9, 2022
End Date: Dec 1, 2022
Time: 4 in-class sessions of 3 hours each, 9-12 noon
Day(s) of the Week: We 11/09, Th 11/10, Th11/17, Th 11/24
Location: Medical Sciences Building, Room 5231
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 12
Method of Student Evaluation
Evaluation will be based on in-class participation as well as both an in-class presentation during the 4th session (Nov 24) and a written report on the methodology, results, and discussion of findings—due 1 weeks later (Dec 1).