The Biochemistry of Translational Medicine
BCH 2024H
This course will focus on reviewing scientific articles that use biochemistry and/or cell biology to help better understand human diseases. Emphasis will be on scholarly work that provides examples of translational medicine or “bench-to-bedside” approach, which aims to expedite the discovery of new diagnostics and treatments.
Course Next Offered
Fall 2019 (Nov - Dec)
Course Time and Location
Start date: October 31
End date: December 20
Day(s) of the week: Thursday afternoon.
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: PGCRL (see below):
Oct 31, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Intro lecture (1h) 18th Floor Rm. 18-189701
Nov 07, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations No lecture this week!
Nov 14, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Articles #1 and #2 (1h each) 6th Floor Rm. 6-69701
Nov 21, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Articles #3 and #4 (1h each) 18th Floor Rm. 18-189701
Dec 06, 2019 Assignment
Nov 28, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Articles #5 and #6 (1h each) 18th Floor Rm. 18-189701
Dec 05, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations No lecture this week!
Dec 12, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Articles #7 and #8 (1h each) 18th Floor Rm. 18-189701
Dec 19, 2019 2:00 PM Presentations Articles #9 and #10 (1h each) 18th Floor Rm. 18-189701
Dec 20, 2019 Assignment
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 10
Method of Student Evaluation
Marks will be derived from:
journal club presentation (70%)
participation in other students’ presentations (20%)
lay abstract (10%)
Here are a few extra details:
- We anticipate to have at least 5-6 students and no more than 10.
- The first session will be an intro by both of us (~1h) followed by a discussion led by us about a paper (~1h).
- The intro will include some tips on how to present an article, etc.
- The other sessions will 2 x
- Each student will be free to choose an article themselves or use one from the bank of articles provided by us (typically a very recent article published in of-of the top journals, such as Cell, Science, Nature, Nat Med, Nat Genetics, JCI, Sci Translat Med, etc.).
- Each student will also have to provide a short write-up (max 250 words) about the article presented that would be an abstract that could be read by a layperson (i.e., grade 7-8 education) + a relevant title. This is an important exercise because it is required for most grants that anyone submits.
- The format delineated above may need to be slightly amended depending on the number of students who end up enrolling for the class (and do not withdraw)
Mathieu Lemaire
Cell Biology Department
Peter Gilgan Centre For Research and Learning
SickKids Research Institute
686 Bay Street, room 19.9704
416-813-7654 ext. 309419
Aleixo Muise
19.9400, J-Me
72 Elm Street
416-813-7735 or 416-813-5216