Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine
BCH 2024H
This module will provide an overview of cutting edge research that leverages nanotechnology and microfabrication to provide new ways to study biological processes and clinical phenomena. The convergence of biology, chemistry and engineering in these areas will be highlighted. Nanomaterials that report on intracellular events, microdevices that allow biological processes to be replicated in vitro, and materials systems for cellular engineering will be some of the topics reviewed.
Biochemistry students will be given first priority until December 1st.
Please contact to sign up for this course.
Last Day to Request course: March 23, 2017
Last Day to Drop course: No later than the third class
Course Next Offered
Winter 2017
Course Time and Location
Tuesday's and Thursday's
12:00 - 2:00 pm
Medical Sciences Building, Room 5231 and 5243
Friday April 7 - Room 5231 - 1:00 - 3:00 pm**
April 11 - Room 5231
April 18 - Room 5231
April 20 - Room 5243
April 25 - Room 5231
April 27 - Room 5243
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 20
Method of Student Evaluation
Students will be expected to present two research article (40% of the total grade), to participate in discussions (20% of the total grade) and write a short (5 page) review article on one of the assigned topics related to the course content (40% of the total grade).
Shana O. Kelley
MSB, Room 5326
1 King's College Circle
Toronto, ON M5S 1A8
Leslie Dan, 9th Floor
144 College Street