Applying Modern Evolutionary Thinking to Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
BCH 2024H
In this course we will review the literature on modern evolutionary theory and discuss how this applies to biochemistry, cell and molecular biology.
Topics will include:
- The Nearly Neutral Theory of Evolution
- Genetic and Mutational Load
- Pluralism in Evolutionary Thinking
- Junk DNA
- Ascribing Function to Biological Systems
- Constructive Neutral Evolution
- Applying Nearly Neutral Theory to Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
The class will meet once a week for one hour over 9 weeks total.
Class 1) April 3rd – class organizational. Reading list will be handed out.
Classes 2-8) April 10th, 17th, 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd. Students will discuss the assigned papers in a one hour group session online through Zoom.
Class 9) May 29th. Students will turn in a one page draft proposal on the topic they will cover (applying modern evolutionary thinking to one particular field in Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology). The students will exchange drafts and provide feedback to each other.
Students will hand in a two page final proposal that is due June 5th.
Course Next Offered
April-May 2020
Course Time and Location
Fridays 9AM-10AM over Zoom.
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 10
Method of Student Evaluation
60% Participation
10% One page draft proposal
30% Final two page proposal

Alexander F. Palazzo
MaRS, West Tower, Suite 1500
661 University Ave.