Applying Modern Evolutionary Thinking to Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Nothing in evolution makes sense except in the light of population genetics.
Course Next Offered
Winter 2025
Course Time and Location
All class will be in MaRS, West Tower, Room 1622 between 2PM-4PM (except class 1 which is 2-3PM)
March 11 - Organizational class (1Hr)
April 1 - Plurality in Evolutionary Thinking, Neutral Evolution
April 8 - Constructive Neutral Evolution
April 15 - Biased Mutation, GC-biased Gene Conversion
May 6 - Proposal Pitch
May 13 - Global Solutions
May 20 - LTE (Long Term Evolution Experiment)
Enrollment Limit
Yes — 10
This class needs 8-10 students to be held.
Each class will be presented by a groups of 2 students.
Students will give initial presentations with the class coordinator at least one week before they are scheduled to present.
Method of Student Evaluation
30% Class Presentation
10% Proposal Pitch (For May 6 - 1 page + 10 minute in class presentation)
30% Proposal (2 pages -follow NSERC Guidelines; Due May 23rd)
30% Class Participation

Alexander F. Palazzo
MaRS, West Tower, Suite 1500
661 University Ave.