Social Life

Biochemistry – Immunology Baseball Challenge 2015

25 September 2015|

Mutants Win the Big Game!!!!

As reported in our last correspondence, the Biochemistry Department fielded a softball team aptly named The Mutants this year. Despite our winning name, we had an awful season. We lost our first 6 games, tied the next, and then lost the last game which gave us a record of 0-7-1. Despite the losses, […]

2015 Biochemistry Golf Day

14 July 2015|

July 14th saw the Biochemistry Department gathering once again for an exciting day of golf. Held at the Flemingdon 9-hole Golf Course in Midtown Toronto the threat of rain didn’t deter our intrepid golfers. Eight teams composed of beginners and experienced players enjoyed a “best ball” format that ensured that all golfers were able to contribute to their team’s effort. And it was a squeaker with the Pathological Lab Mates […]

The Men and Women of Summer are Back! The 2015 Biochemistry Mutants

7 July 2015|

The Mutant Roster
Top Row, Left to Right: Mostafa, Martin, Steve, Brandon, Tomas, Eric, Emad, Marko, Bonnie, Graeme
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Sian, Renee, Trevor, Glenna, Baby Jude, David, Kristina, Tara

The Biochem Softball Team is together again after a two-year hiatus! The Mutants had their first game on May 22nd against the Iguanas. Despite the best efforts of the Mutants, they lost the game by 1 point. The team’s weakest inning […]

Research Day 2015

21 May 2015|

More than 200 attendees and 80 posters contributed to another highly successful Research Day. Held in the Medical Sciences Auditorium with posters in the Stone Lobby, we also enjoyed a BBQ lunch on the “patio” in between.

As always, the calibre of science was extremely high, featuring research talks from trainees and our newest faculty members, as well as excellent poster presentations. We also enjoyed our annual Theo Hofmann Lecture (this year by […]

Graeme Sargent

Graeme Sargent in Three-Minute Thesis Finals!

1 April 2015|

Graeme Sargent is one of 15 students selected for the University-wide finals of the Three-Minute Thesis competition.  Finals will take place on Wednesday April 8, 2015, 7:00 pm, Room 1105 of the Sandford Fleming Building.

The Three-Minute Thesis concept (originally developed at the University of Queensland)  is simple, but daunting. Participants have three minutes, and a single, static slide, to explain years of research. All participants are PhD Candidates who are […]

Yuqing Wang

Grad Student Yuqing Wang featured in Faculty of Medicine News article

5 March 2015|


Yuqing Wang was featured in the article She Does It Her Way (And It Works) for the Faculty of Medicine News webpage. Yuqing, a PhD grad student in the Peter Kim and Angus McQuibban Labs, discussed her challenges and numerous triumphs in her studies and life in Canada.



Mont Tremblant Ski Trip

27 January 2015|

A group of 13 Biochemistry graduate students and guests recently spent a chilly weekend in Quebec at Mont-Tremblant. Organized by the BGSU in conjunction with the Graduate Student Association of the Department of Medical Biophysics, the group braced 7 hour bus rides and -23C temperatures for 3 amazing days of skiing and snowboarding. With skill levels ranging from beginners to advanced, everyone had a great time both on and off […]

January Happy Hour

21 January 2015|

The BGSU recently held a Happy Hour in the department to help ward off the annual student winter hibernation reflex. About 40 graduate students came together after the weekly student seminar to enjoy some beverages and snacks as well as share stories of their winter holidays.

Year-End Potluck Lunch

15 December 2014|

Celebrating the end of the year and the upcoming holiday break, the campus-based Department held a highly popular potluck lunch. About 50 Faculty, Staff and Trainees showed off their culinary talents in creating delicious dishes for their fellow biochemists. Reflecting the diversity of the Department, dishes ranged from samosas to pierogis to snowman-shaped doughnuts!

Needless to say research productivity waned briefly while everyone loosened belts, relaxed and enjoyed great food and superb company!

Biochemistry-Immunology Baseball Challenge

9 September 2014|

Challenged by the Department of Immunology to a softball game, 12 intrepid biochemistry faculty and students heeded the call, ably captained by PhD student Tomas Gverzdys. Despite extensive trash-talking by the well-practiced immunologists, the inexperienced but well-tolerized biochemistry team showed heart and determination, losing a squeaker to their opponents in the final inning. Notably the biochemists turned the only two double plays of this Fall Classic!

The rivalry quickly ended over […]

Annual Biochemistry Golf Day

5 August 2014|

20 Faculty, Staff and Trainees (plus the odd ringer) gathered at Flemingdon Park Golf Course for our Annual Golf Day. There was a vast range of abilities but each team had its share of novices and pros and, with a scramble format, things were pretty well matched. Great weather, excellent company plus some good-natured trash talking combined to make for an excellent day. In the end, the coveted Biochemistry Cup […]

Research Day 2014

12 June 2014|

200 attendees and 65 posters combined to make the 2014 Research Day a great success. This year we stayed close to home and hosted the event in the Medical Sciences Auditorium with posters in the Stone Lobby and lunch al fresco between the two.

Once again the cailber of science was extremely high, featuring research talks from trainees and faculty members, poster presentations, our annual Theo Hofmann Lecture (this year by […]