Post-Doctoral News

Participants at Janssen Visit May 19, 2015

Janssen Inc. Hosts GPD Students and PDFs

28 May 2015|

On May 19, 2015, twenty-two of former and current GPD (Graduate Professional Development) students experienced a site visit to Janssen Inc., a pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson. The attendees learned about career options for Medical Information, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Science Liaison, Market Access and enjoyed a networking session with Janssen’s science and HR staff. The site visit is one of the many activities made possible by the Janssen-GPD partnership between […]

Research Day 2015

21 May 2015|

More than 200 attendees and 80 posters contributed to another highly successful Research Day. Held in the Medical Sciences Auditorium with posters in the Stone Lobby, we also enjoyed a BBQ lunch on the “patio” in between.

As always, the calibre of science was extremely high, featuring research talks from trainees and our newest faculty members, as well as excellent poster presentations. We also enjoyed our annual Theo Hofmann Lecture (this year by […]

Dr. Nana Lee

Professional Development Workshop for Postdoctoral Fellows and PhDs – May 8, 15, 19, 2015.

7 April 2015|

Dr. Nana Lee brings her second annual summer workshop for PDFs and senior PhDs.

Topics to cover are: Success in Academia, Success outside of Academia, Effective Networking, Elevator Pitch, How to Create your Career Pathway, Writing a Stellar Resume and Cover Letter, Preparing for the Interview/Negotiation. Networking Sessions with Professionals from Academia, Sanofi, OGI, Baycrest, St Michael’s, Janssen Regulatory Affairs, Patent Law.

Sessions are interactive and outside work will be required.

Space is […]

Year-End Potluck Lunch

15 December 2014|

Celebrating the end of the year and the upcoming holiday break, the campus-based Department held a highly popular potluck lunch. About 50 Faculty, Staff and Trainees showed off their culinary talents in creating delicious dishes for their fellow biochemists. Reflecting the diversity of the Department, dishes ranged from samosas to pierogis to snowman-shaped doughnuts!

Needless to say research productivity waned briefly while everyone loosened belts, relaxed and enjoyed great food and superb company!

Dr. André Hoelz: “Building the atomic structure of the nuclear pore complex piece by piece”

11 November 2014|

Dr. André Hoelz, from the Department of Bochemistry at the California Institute of Technology presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series.

Dr. Alex Ensminger: “Systematic identification of bacterial metaeffectors reveals regulatory complexity during pathogenesis”

5 November 2014|

Dr. Alex Ensminger, from the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series.

Biochemistry-Immunology Baseball Challenge

9 September 2014|

Challenged by the Department of Immunology to a softball game, 12 intrepid biochemistry faculty and students heeded the call, ably captained by PhD student Tomas Gverzdys. Despite extensive trash-talking by the well-practiced immunologists, the inexperienced but well-tolerized biochemistry team showed heart and determination, losing a squeaker to their opponents in the final inning. Notably the biochemists turned the only two double plays of this Fall Classic!

The rivalry quickly ended over […]

Year End Party 2013

6 December 2013|

This year the Department celebrated the end of the year in different style with an evening party planned and run by our graduate students.

Held at the Loftraum on Gerrard, which featured separate rooms that catered to those inclined to dance the night away as well as those preferring more sedate activity, there was something for everyone.

The evening began with buffet dining, then singalong science parody songs led by John Glover, […]