Post-Doctoral News

April Newsletter 2022

31 March 2022|

Click here to read the full edition: Email newsletter – April 2022 – FINAL

November Newsletter 2021

5 November 2021|

Click here to read the full edition: Email newsletter – November 2021

October Newsletter 2021

12 October 2021|

Click here to read the full edition: Email newsletter – Oct 2021




















September Newsletter 2021

29 September 2021|

Click here to read the full edition: Email newsletter – Sept 2021

August Newsletter 2021

29 September 2021|

Click here to read the complete edition: Email newsletter – August 2021

2017 Biochemistry Golf Day

15 June 2017|

It was a dreary day on June 13th but it would take more than a few showers to dampen the spirits of 24 intrepid biochemists who headed out to the Flemingdon Park 9-hole Golf Course in Midtown Toronto for our annual Golf Day. Each team had its share of beginners and ringers playing a “best ball” format that allowed everyone to contribute to their team. Despite spending more than a little time […]

2016 Biochemistry Retreat at Geneva Park

27 August 2016|

On August 25th and 26th, the Biochemistry Department held its first Retreat outside of Toronto at the Geneva Park Conference Centre near Orillia.

The turnout was terrific with 140 trainees, staff and Faculty gathering for two days to celebrate the science that we do and to enjoy each other’s company in a beautiful lakeside setting. The Retreat featured cutting-edge talks by trainees and Faculty members as well as an evening poster session […]

2016 Biochemistry Golf Day

9 August 2016|

August 9th dawned hot and steamy but that didn’t deter our hardy biochemists from heading out to Flemingdon Park 9-hole Golf Course in Midtown Toronto for our annual Golf Day. Each team had its share of beginners and ringers playing a “best ball” format that allowed everyone to contribute to their team. Despite the 32 degree heat and sticky humidity the competition was fierce with the Dead Ringers pulling out […]

2015 Biochemistry Holiday Party

7 December 2015|

The 2015 Biochemistry Holiday party was, as in previous years, quite a memorable and fun night. Held on a rainy November 27th evening at the Hotel Ocho, the atmosphere was warm, elegant and very welcoming. Students and faculty were dressed to impress, and it was certainly a nice change to see everyone without lab coats and outside of class. The early birds got to enjoy some cheese, crackers and mingling […]

Ramanujan Hegde: “Biosynthesis and quality control of membrane proteins”

7 October 2015|

Ramanujan Hegde from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK gave a tour-de-force presentation in our George Connell Seminar Series that focused on the quality control surveillance of tail-anchored membrane proteins and their insertion into ER and mitochondrial membranes.

2015 Biochemistry Golf Day

14 July 2015|

July 14th saw the Biochemistry Department gathering once again for an exciting day of golf. Held at the Flemingdon 9-hole Golf Course in Midtown Toronto the threat of rain didn’t deter our intrepid golfers. Eight teams composed of beginners and experienced players enjoyed a “best ball” format that ensured that all golfers were able to contribute to their team’s effort. And it was a squeaker with the Pathological Lab Mates […]

The Men and Women of Summer are Back! The 2015 Biochemistry Mutants

7 July 2015|

The Mutant Roster
Top Row, Left to Right: Mostafa, Martin, Steve, Brandon, Tomas, Eric, Emad, Marko, Bonnie, Graeme
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Sian, Renee, Trevor, Glenna, Baby Jude, David, Kristina, Tara

The Biochem Softball Team is together again after a two-year hiatus! The Mutants had their first game on May 22nd against the Iguanas. Despite the best efforts of the Mutants, they lost the game by 1 point. The team’s weakest inning […]