David Williams

About David Williams

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So far David Williams has created 32 blog entries.

Dr. André Hoelz: “Building the atomic structure of the nuclear pore complex piece by piece”

Dr. André Hoelz, from the Department of Bochemistry at the California Institute of Technology presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series.

11 November 2014|

Dr. Alex Ensminger: “Systematic identification of bacterial metaeffectors reveals regulatory complexity during pathogenesis”

Dr. Alex Ensminger, from the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series.

5 November 2014|

10th Annual Benjamin Schachter Memorial Lecture

From 1934-1939 Dr. Benjamin (Benny) Schachter worked in the Department of Biochemistry conducting research on female sex hormones, isolating and identifying conjugated oestrone sulphate (Premarin). To honour Benny Schachter’s memory, a donation was made to the Department by his family. The funds are being used to support an annual lectureship in his memory. The BGSU and graduate students select and host the speaker who is a graduate from our Department.

This […]

29 October 2014|

Professor David Pulleyblank Retires

Students, staff and Faculty members gathered today in the delightful setting of the University Faculty Club to celebrate the 37-year career of Professor David Pulleyblank. We were joined by several former students of David’s who shared in the celebration and regaled us with stories of their times in the Pulleyblank lab.

David grew up in Cambridge, England where his father was a Professor of Chinese history. The family moved to Vancouver when […]

18 September 2014|

Biochemistry-Immunology Baseball Challenge

Challenged by the Department of Immunology to a softball game, 12 intrepid biochemistry faculty and students heeded the call, ably captained by PhD student Tomas Gverzdys. Despite extensive trash-talking by the well-practiced immunologists, the inexperienced but well-tolerized biochemistry team showed heart and determination, losing a squeaker to their opponents in the final inning. Notably the biochemists turned the only two double plays of this Fall Classic!

The rivalry quickly ended over […]

9 September 2014|

Annual Biochemistry Golf Day

20 Faculty, Staff and Trainees (plus the odd ringer) gathered at Flemingdon Park Golf Course for our Annual Golf Day. There was a vast range of abilities but each team had its share of novices and pros and, with a scramble format, things were pretty well matched. Great weather, excellent company plus some good-natured trash talking combined to make for an excellent day. In the end, the coveted Biochemistry Cup […]

5 August 2014|

Research Day 2014

200 attendees and 65 posters combined to make the 2014 Research Day a great success. This year we stayed close to home and hosted the event in the Medical Sciences Auditorium with posters in the Stone Lobby and lunch al fresco between the two.

Once again the cailber of science was extremely high, featuring research talks from trainees and faculty members, poster presentations, our annual Theo Hofmann Lecture (this year by […]

12 June 2014|

Roula Andreopoulos Wins Teaching Award!

We were delighted to learn that Senior Lecturer Dr. Roula Andreopoulos has won the 2011 Faculty of Medicine Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Life Sciences Award.

This award is presented each year to a faculty member in recognition of sustained excellence in the teaching, coordination and development of undergraduate courses in Arts and Science offered by the Basic Sciences Departments in the Faculty of Medicine.

The award will be presented at the […]

24 March 2011|