David Williams

About David Williams

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So far David Williams has created 32 blog entries.

11th Annual Benjamin Schachter Memorial Lecture

From 1934-1939 Dr. Benjamin (Benny) Schachter worked in the Department of Biochemistry conducting research on female sex hormones, isolating and identifying conjugated oestrone sulphate (Premarin). To honour Benny Schachter’s memory, a donation was made to the Department by his family. The funds are being used to support an annual lectureship in his memory. The BGSU and graduate students select and host the speaker who is a graduate from our Department.

This […]

16 November 2015|

Ramanujan Hegde: “Biosynthesis and quality control of membrane proteins”

Ramanujan Hegde from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK gave a tour-de-force presentation in our George Connell Seminar Series that focused on the quality control surveillance of tail-anchored membrane proteins and their insertion into ER and mitochondrial membranes.

7 October 2015|

Biochemistry – Immunology Baseball Challenge 2015

Mutants Win the Big Game!!!!

As reported in our last correspondence, the Biochemistry Department fielded a softball team aptly named The Mutants this year. Despite our winning name, we had an awful season. We lost our first 6 games, tied the next, and then lost the last game which gave us a record of 0-7-1. Despite the losses, […]

25 September 2015|

2015 Biochemistry Golf Day

July 14th saw the Biochemistry Department gathering once again for an exciting day of golf. Held at the Flemingdon 9-hole Golf Course in Midtown Toronto the threat of rain didn’t deter our intrepid golfers. Eight teams composed of beginners and experienced players enjoyed a “best ball” format that ensured that all golfers were able to contribute to their team’s effort. And it was a squeaker with the Pathological Lab Mates […]

14 July 2015|

The Men and Women of Summer are Back! The 2015 Biochemistry Mutants

The Mutant Roster
Top Row, Left to Right: Mostafa, Martin, Steve, Brandon, Tomas, Eric, Emad, Marko, Bonnie, Graeme
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Sian, Renee, Trevor, Glenna, Baby Jude, David, Kristina, Tara

The Biochem Softball Team is together again after a two-year hiatus! The Mutants had their first game on May 22nd against the Iguanas. Despite the best efforts of the Mutants, they lost the game by 1 point. The team’s weakest inning […]

7 July 2015|

Research Day 2015

More than 200 attendees and 80 posters contributed to another highly successful Research Day. Held in the Medical Sciences Auditorium with posters in the Stone Lobby, we also enjoyed a BBQ lunch on the “patio” in between.

As always, the calibre of science was extremely high, featuring research talks from trainees and our newest faculty members, as well as excellent poster presentations. We also enjoyed our annual Theo Hofmann Lecture (this year by […]

21 May 2015|

In Memoriam – Professor George Connell

The recent passing of Professor George Connell, Biochemist, Department Chair, University President, colleague and friend who touched so many in his life has brought an outpouring of memorials. Below are tributes from the President of the University of Toronto and long-time friends and colleagues David Tinker and Robert Murray.

Professor Meric S. Gertler, President, University of Toronto
With the passing of Professor George Connell, the University’s 12th president (1984-1990), the University of Toronto […]

17 March 2015|

T. Ryan Gregory: “Animal Genomes Large and Small”

Ryan Gregory of the Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series. For more on Professor Gregory’s research visit his website.

4 March 2015|

Mont Tremblant Ski Trip

A group of 13 Biochemistry graduate students and guests recently spent a chilly weekend in Quebec at Mont-Tremblant. Organized by the BGSU in conjunction with the Graduate Student Association of the Department of Medical Biophysics, the group braced 7 hour bus rides and -23C temperatures for 3 amazing days of skiing and snowboarding. With skill levels ranging from beginners to advanced, everyone had a great time both on and off […]

27 January 2015|

January Happy Hour

The BGSU recently held a Happy Hour in the department to help ward off the annual student winter hibernation reflex. About 40 graduate students came together after the weekly student seminar to enjoy some beverages and snacks as well as share stories of their winter holidays.

21 January 2015|

Year-End Potluck Lunch

Celebrating the end of the year and the upcoming holiday break, the campus-based Department held a highly popular potluck lunch. About 50 Faculty, Staff and Trainees showed off their culinary talents in creating delicious dishes for their fellow biochemists. Reflecting the diversity of the Department, dishes ranged from samosas to pierogis to snowman-shaped doughnuts!

Needless to say research productivity waned briefly while everyone loosened belts, relaxed and enjoyed great food and superb company!

15 December 2014|

Dr. Chris Nicchitta: “Dynamics and Selectivity in mRNA Localization to the Endoplasmic Reticulum”

Dr. Christopher Nicchitta, from the Department of Cell Biology, Duke University Medical Center, presented the above lecture in our George Connell Seminar Series.

27 November 2014|