This year’s Golf Day dawned bright and sunny with a cool breeze that was perfect for our Departmental tournament. A record 32 biochemists (and a sprinkling of Immunologists) headed out to the little-known jewel of mid-town Toronto – the Flemingdon Park 9-hole Golf Course. Each team had its share of beginners and ringers playing a “best ball” format that allowed everyone to contribute to their team. The competition was fierce but the ERADicals managed to hold onto their title, squeaking out a win over the Dead Ringers who were close behind. A great time was had by all!
Winners! – ERADicals (-3)
David Williams
Sian Patterson
Michael Tsay
Reinhart Reithmeier
Runners Up! – The Dead Ringers (even)
Allen Volchuk
Phil Bilan
Peter Macdonald
George Espie
Third Place Tie – The PEX Mutants (+3)
Nick Demers
Victoria Riccio
Derrick Cheng
Sharon Leung
The Fab Fore (+3)
Jean-Philippe Julien
Brandon McLeod
Taylor Sicard
Stephen Scally
Tee-Cells (+3)
Jan Jonstra
Sahil Gupta
Anna Vanek
Brent Corkum
The Mitochondriacs (+4)
Angus McQuibban
Guang Shi
Natalia Moskal
Alison Mark
The Right Lefties (+5)
Michael Ohh
Jeff Charuk
Jeremy Mogridge
Jeff Lee
Most Honest – Slam (+8)
Trevor Moraes
Yogesh Hooda
Sang Minh Huynh
Bob Kanduth
Ladies Longest Drive – Sian Patterson
Men’s Longest Drive – a tie! – David Williams and Angus McQuibban
Ladies Closest to the Hole – Alison Mark
Men’s Closest to the Hole – Brent Corkum
For more photos of Golf Day, click on any image below to enlarge or press the play button on any enlarged image (bottom left) to start a Slide Show.