Circos plot showing correlations in the genetic interaction (GI) profiles among chaperones and ccochaperones (CCos). CCo families were grouped and colored as indicated. Profiles were calculated for all CCo gene pairs and measured based on Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) from the complete GI matrix. Pairs having a PCC>0.1 threshold are plotted. Ribbon width corresponds to the magnitude of the PCC value and the color of the ribbon corresponds to the color of the originating segment.
Rizzolo et al. from the Houry group provided a comprehensive view of molecular chaperone function in the cell through the use of a systematic global integrative network approach based on physical (protein-protein) and genetic (gene-gene or epistatic) interaction mapping. The analysis revealed the presence of a large chaperone functional supercomplex, which was named the NAJ chaperone complex, encompassing Hsp40, Hsp70, Hsp90, CCT and small Hsps. Many chaperones were found to interact with proteins that form foci or condensates under stress conditions. This research was the result of a highly collaborative effort among multiple groups including the W. A. Houry, C. Boone, and I. Stagljar groups at the University of Toronto, the M. Babu group at the University of Regina, C. L. Myers group at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and S. Alberti group at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany.
Rizzolo, K., Huen, J., Kumar, A., Phanse, S., Vlasblom, J., Kakihara, Y., Zeineddine, H. A., Minic, Z., Snider, J., Wang, W., Pons, C., Seraphim, T. V., Boczek, E. E., Alberti, S., Costanzo, M., Myers, C. L., Stagljar, I., Boone, C., Babu, M., & Houry, W. A. “Features of the Chaperone Cellular Network Revealed through Systematic Interaction Mapping” Cell Reports 20(11), 2735–2748 (2017).