Reinhart Reithmeier and Nana Lee

Reinhart Reithmeier and Nana Lee

The Department’s Professional Development Program and course, created by Dr. Reinhart Reithmeier and Dr. Nana Lee, is garnering international attention. It was recently highlighted in Science Careers, a division of the the journal Science.

Today, the majority of Ph.D. graduates in the biomedical sciences no longer obtain positions in academia. A survey of Ph.D.s graduating from the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Toronto (U of T) within the last 10 years revealed that only 15% remained in academia (compared to 35% in 1980 for all of Canada). Most graduates found rewarding careers in the public (government, university, hospital) and private (biotechnology, patent law, publishing, sales) sectors.

“The main thing about this course is how it prepares students for the next step, and nothing else currently available at U of T does that in a consistent and systematic fashion.”
– Marija Cemma, Ph.D. candidate.

Scence_careersRead the Perspective Article written about the course that appeared in Science Careers.