Dr. Lewis Kay

Dr. Lewis Kay

We were delighted to learn that Lewis Kay has been elected to the Royal Society (UK) for his work on NMR spectroscopy. He and his group have developed many of the recent technical advances that have pushed the size limit of protein complexes that can be examined by NMR spectroscopy beyond 500 kDa. For example, methyl-TROSY was used to elucidate the structure and aspects of the dynamics of the 670 kDa 20S proteasome core particle. He has also developed methods for studying invisible excited states of proteins by NMR and is applying them to furthering our understanding of protein folding and conformational dynamics.

Lewis is only the 5th member in the over 100 year history of the Department to receive this very prestigious honour. Other FRS (UK) are our first Chair, Archibald Byron Macallum, Charles Hanes, Gordon Dixon and David MacLennan.

Congratulations to Lewis!