Advanced Research Project in Biochemistry


BCH473Y1 provides real-world individual research opportunities in biochemistry, under the direct supervision of a Biochemistry Department faculty member. The course takes advantage of the resources and expertise of the over 50 faculty researchers within the department. It gives students an appreciation of the scientific method that comes from intensive experimentation. It enhances students’ understanding of theoretical concepts learned in other courses through a better understanding of the experimental approaches upon which those theories are based, and provides one-on-one contact with faculty members. The experience gained in this advanced research project will provide important experience for those who wish to pursue a career in research.

To enroll

Students may approach any of the academic staff in the Department of Biochemistry or the Department of Molecular Genetics about the possibility of doing a research project under their supervision. BCH Specialists can contact their faculty mentors directly for placement assistance. Faculty who have expressed an interest in supervising a BCH473Y1 student will be listed under ‘Instructors’, below. Once a supervisor is identified, the student and supervisor complete and sign the Enrollment Application Form (see below), and submit it along with your current CV and a copy of your academic transcript to the Course Coordinator.  The student is expected to spend at least one full day per week during the academic year on their research project in the supervisor’s laboratory.

Course Next Offered

September 2024


For Specialist: BCH340H1; BCH377H1; 75% or higher in MGY311Y1
For Major: BCH370H1; 80% or higher in BCH311H1

Enrollment Limit

Yes — 25

Method of Student Evaluation

There are four components to the final grade for BCH473:

Thirty-five percent of the final grade is contributed by the student's research project supervisor, based on the student's performance in the lab. The supervisor will evaluate the student's progress at the end of the Fall term (10 marks out of 35) and at the end of the Winter term (25 marks out of 35).

Five percent of the final grade is contributed by the course coordinator, and/or a professor other than the student's supervisor who will evaluate the student's 3-page research project proposal.

Ten percent of the final grade is contributed by the course coordinator and/or a professor other than the student's supervisor who will evaluate the student's 5-page mid-year progress report.

Fifty percent of the final grade is contributed by the student's exam committee, which will consist of two professors other than the student's supervisor, who will evaluate the final research report and the final research presentation. The 15-minute presentation will be followed by a maximum of 10 minutes of questions from each exam committee member.

Important dates for 2024-25

Oct. 11: Research project proposal due before 5 pm (submitted by email to Dr. Smibert, AS A PDF)
Jan. 13: Research project mid-year report due by 5pm (submitted by by email to Dr. Smibert, AS A PDF)
March 14: Email Dr. Smibert your exam schedule to facilitate the scheduling of the Research presentations
April 4: Final progress report due before 5 pm (submitted by email to Dr. Smibert and your exam committee members, AS A PDF)
April 9-30: Research presentations

Additional Notes and Resources

Organization Scheme for the Final Report
BCH473Y1 2024-25 Syllabus
BCH473Y1 Enrollment Application form


Craig A. Smibert

Craig A. Smibert

MaRS West Tower, 15th floor
661 University Ave


Carol J. Schuurmans

Last Updated 30 July 2024