What is BUSS?

BUSS is the Biochemistry Undergraduate Student Society. You can read more about us here.

How can I contact BUSS?

You can access our Facebook page, comment on relevant posts here, or email us directly at buss at utoronto dot ca.

How can I get involved with BUSS?

If you are enrolled in a biochemistry POSt or course, you are automatically considered part of BUSS and are encouraged to come to our socials and academic events. It’s a great way to meet other students in your program!

Another way to get more directly involved is to apply to vacant positions. These are most often exec positions, which get filled via elections at certain points in the year.

What is BIG?

BIG is a commonly used acronym on campus that refers to the biochemistry, immunology, and molecular genetics programs at U of T. They are often grouped together because the students have to take overlapping courses, which is also why the BIG student unions often host joint events.

What are the biochemistry programs at U of T?

The more traditional subject POSts are the biochemistry major and biochemistry specialist programs. The major program requires fewer courses and will give you a background in biochemistry; the specialist program goes into greater depth and will give you a better understanding of the field for post-graduate studies. There is also the bioinformatics and computational biology specialist, which is partly overseen by the Department of Biochemistry.

You can read more about the requirements and courses associated with the different programs on other sites. If you’re in first year (or higher!) and still exploring options for subject POSts, we encourage you to consider studying biochemistry.

What are the “resources” that you post here?

Resources are posts that will be academically helpful to biochemistry students. For example, if we host an fourth year course seminar, we will typically record notes and post information here.


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